Sunday 9 December 2018

Assemble Waltham 17 Jewels Model 1908 Movement 22863520

 Assemble Waltham 17 Jewels Model 1908  Pocket Watch  Movement 22863520
 Link to Photograph album:

Having given all the movement parts a good clean, time to reassemble as far as I can today, as I will need plenty of replacement parts to completely finish the job!

First I assemble just the Escape Wheel and Train Bridge, this to check play and movement, as when I deconstructed the movement the Escape Wheel was really stuck in Train Bridge.

 The Escape Wheel is moving fine, so I disassemble and this time replace all the train Wheels, (Escape, Second, Third, Centre) and Train Bridge, once again checking play and clearance. All the wheels are moving freely, so disassemble again and start the assembly.

Replace the Keyless Work, Then the Winding and setting work, Mainspring Barrel and Bridge, Crown, Ratchet Wheels and Click. Time to replace all the Train Wheels again (Escape, Second, Third, Centre) and the Train Bridge.

Once this completed I test the movement by winding up the mainspring a little with the Winding Stem, and hey presto the wheels are moving nicely. At this point in the deconstruction, I tried to wind up the mainspring, but nothing moved!

This is as far as I can go with the assembly, so start checking out what I need to complete the job.

Parts to rectify are 1. one of the Pallet Jewels is loose, needs to be reset with shellac. 2. Balance Wheel shaft has broken Pivot, so needs to be replaced. 3. Impulse Roller Jewel is Broken and needs replacing. 4. Complete Hairspring is missing, so need a Hairspring and Collet and Stud. 5. Hairspring Stud screw is missing, so need a replacement.

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